Our programs offer the challenge of a stimulating and rewarding career. Paul Mitchell The School Fresno is fully equipped to meet all the demands of modern hair, while at the same time providing a high-tech atmosphere and attitude for progressive personal development. The 13,600 square-foot facility includes a student lounge and lockers, client reception and work areas, management offices, private classrooms, workstations, and equipment.
Paul Mitchell the School Fresno is a CASp inspected facility. The school has ADA parking and access way provisions along with wheel chair accessible classrooms, lunch area, drinking fountains and bathrooms.
Students must abide by local (city and/or landlord) parking rules, which are announced during orientation. Paul Mitchell the School Fresno will not be responsible for parking violations and/or towing fees.
Monday - Friday: 9:30 am to 10:00 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
The school director is Erik Pedersen, they can be reached in person or by calling 559-224-2700, or by mail at 5091 North Fresno Street, Suite 104, Fresno, CA 93710.
Parking Diagram